Part 7: Not-so-friendly competition.

Having recovered the four-leaf clover from the local elementary school and harnessed its might wish-granting powers, its time for Bos umbrella to regain another of its lost colours!

And of course, we all know how this goes by now.

And with just four to go, were almost half way there!


Ah, sounds like the old rivals are at it once again. Maxwells efforts to educate Hamtaro are noble, but I dont think theyll go well with this ruckus going on.
Everyone in the clubhouse wants to weigh in on this one, so

When Hell freezes over, perhaps.

...Thanks for your input, Bo.

Oh, looks like its not just Howdy and Dexter making a fuss. The twins are in on it too!

Sorry, Bijou, but we already used up the clover.

If itll help the four of you to calm down, sure. Tempers seem to be really raging at the moment.

Thats a really good question, honestly.

And so we shall! Were back down to four Ham-Hams again, but that shouldnt be too much of a problem. Theres just time to get our horoscopes before we go

Patch things up with the one you had a fight with. Be brave.
The second luckiest one for today is...Aries. Talk to your pals. You just might get a great hint.♪
The luckiest one for today is...Scorpio. Youll glow brighter than anyone today. Be brave!
Today will not be very good for...Virgo. Something might get lost. The aquarium is your lucky place.
Hamtaro and Cappy are both Leos, Panda is Aries, Maxwell is Scorpio and both Pashmina and Boss are Virgos. Itd have been more amusing if the Leos fortune had applied to any of the quarreling Ham-Hams.

Alright, time to go take a stroll around the park! Looks like they have a big fountain out there, and probably lots of other interesting stuff besides.

Well, the challenge has been issued, the gauntlet thrown down! Let the hunt for the blue bird begin!

Oh, and I guess we should probably stop those four from killing each other. Thatd be good too.

Yes, ticky-ticky is one of the walking/running sounds made by the Ham-Hams. In the show, some of them have their own specific onomatopoeia for doing so.

Since we cant jump down from that ledge, we have to follow in Stan and Howdys footsteps first. Getting to the park proper would be very easy if it wasnt for this soccer goal in our way but as is, the NPCs point out that we need to take a detour through Ticky-Ticky Pond.

Outside of the park itself, theres a hamster-sized play area for the little ones.

Sorry, Oxnard. Looks like well have to wait.

As we leave the play area, our path is blocked by this kid insisting we try out their Hopscotch course.

Entry-level hamster hopscotch is long (youre seeing maybe 30% of the court in this one picture), but pretty simple. Its advanced hopscotch thats absolute hell You play by pressing and holding the buttons shown on the next set of circles before landing, with Pashmina starting to jump to the next once the buttons are released.

The next screen has some issues with foreground objects, and this dude whos creeping on some girl smelling flowers that we cant get to.

One quick juggling act later Actually, is it juggling if youve only got two props? Ah, no matter.

Huh. Who knows? (The player will, if they talked to Snoozer after the clubhouse scene! Hes just full of spoilers, that guy.)

Heading in the direction the kid went leads to a second round of hopscotch, which adds in these bugs weve seen in a few other games. Remember, holding the buttons of the circle(s) youre on makes Pashmina wait in place.

This path only leads to a dead end, unfortunately. Time to backtrack a few screens.

Aside from the upward path that the kid was standing in front of, theres a small area to the south with a minigame we cant yet play

And a place where we cant reach the second floor due to the stairs being broken. We could make a Ham-Ham ladder if we had more clubhouse folks with us, though.

Lets continue on the proper path inste-

Nah, only joking. Were gonna kick this chickens butt, badass eyepatch or no.

The fight is all about kiting the chicken around and using the rocks as obstacles to give you enough time to knock some pinecones down, then pummeling the bejeezus out of it with them. The rock in the top left makes the left tree a deathtrap, because the chicken only has to touch Oxnard once for you to lose.

Its pretty good fun, honestly. And Oxnard gets to be awesome, so its all good!

Continuing on after absolutely nothing ominous happened at all, weve already managed to reach Sunny Pond! Were making pretty good time on this one.

Aaaaand of course they split up.

Fact: Roland Grapows version is much better than the original.

Trying to head left instead of following our wayward friends only leads to another minigame we cant complete yet, so lets track them down.

Hmm, now this is interesting. Both Grandpa Frog and a sign later on call this Sunny Pond, despite what the NPCs said earlier (calling it Ticky-Ticky Pond). It appears AlphaDream might have wanted this area to be part of Sunny Peak instead.

You got it, chief.

What a polite old frog he was. Oh, and looks like somebody threw their frisbee into the pond.

Typical member of the press.

Both paths to the right are dead ends at present, though it seems Grandpa Frogs grandchild hasnt gone very far. Lets head north instead.

Oh, hi there shopkeep. How goes?

Dont worry, maam. Im sure well find some way to help you out, being the protagonists and all.

Speaking of which, lets get back to being funneled down this path.

Oh, hey Stan. Having some trouble?

Sure thing, buddy. Teamwork tends to work better than going it alone!

Progress demands a little bit of backtracking to where that journalist was hanging out

...Well, it certainly is a red flying saucer. And no, we cant just go through the log now to check it out. Weve got to take the long way first.

Lily Pad Row 3 is just like the first minigame we ever played, right down to waiting for the first frog to pass and then just mashing A. Which kind of lends more credence to this originally being a Sunny Peak area.

Theres another pesky frog and a carrot to gather after crossing the lily pads, but more importantly it puts us behind that journalist.

Which lets us knock the frisbee out of this tree just by walking into it. Must have been very precariously balanced.

Nothing for us to do up on the treetop, so lets see what our friend thinks of his flying saucer.

Sure sucks to be that dude, but we can put this plastic toy to good use here.

...How very direct.

Alright, lets see what the old frog can do.

Haha, nice work! Now were free and clea-

It would appear not.

Ah, right. We did ignore another path near Grandpa Frogs grandchild

Namely this one.

It leads into Lily Pad Row 4, which attempts to trip up players who use the same strategy as in 3 by making the second frog spend a little longer on its lily pad. Just wait for it, and then mash A.

Clearing out another troublemaker along the way, we come to

Everyones favourite punster! And the flyer for this area, sitting tantalisingly just beyond our reach. Well need to come back for that later, but we can chat to Howdy now.

Yes, Howdy does sit there for almost three seconds before getting rid of the chick that ran afoul of a paint can or something. Its just long enough to feel awkward, and I love it.

I think we still need to work on some things here, but at least we can shift that stone aside now.

And with Howdys cleaning skills, we can also open up a little shortcut to help us get back there.

There is actually a path next to the rock, but

We cant go that way just yet.

One bit of boulder budging, and that bird is as good as ours!

Nab him! Jab him! Tab him! Grab him!
...Wait, wrong bird.

You rushed it from the front. What did you expect?

Also that. Masters of strategy, we are not.

Hopefully our other friends will fare better once they find the bird Well have to head into the park proper and see where theyve gotten to.